Commemorative article on Geert Hofstede

La mort fait voyager son monde tu vas plus vite que le son t’es partout sur la terre ronde t’es devenue une chanson Julos Beaucarne, Chandeleur ‘75 Reminiscing Julos Beaucarne’s wife was stabbed to death in 1975, and he commemorated her with beautiful songs. “You have become a song”, he says to her. Many people … Read more

BOSS Blog 12: Schizophrenia and your inner Trump

Parallel realities in the USA As I write this, the USA are in a massive state of schizophrenia, with parallel realities. President Donald Trump is refusing to admit electoral defeat in the presidential elections, and whipping up support for a conspiracy theory (“they stole these elections”). Meanwhile, president-elect Joe Biden is preparing his administration, using … Read more